Monday 21 April 2014

Why She Covers

Asaalam everyone!
I had a creative idea pop into my mind, and Insha-Allah I will now put it into use. I'll place a link tod the article my post is based around, right about... here-(pssst... click the previous word, here)!

             WHY SHE WEARS HIJAB.
Urgh- work was so hard today! Guess what happen?


It's everyone there! They all act as if I'm oppressed or something, constantly talking to each-other about the "Weird piece of fabric I wear on my head!" I think It's the work place.. I'm thinking of resigning, or talking to the boss...

It seems hard-but are you sure? Resign?
It's kinda your fault anyway....

True, resigning might be a little over the top, but what do you mean by my fault?

You chose this job... you chose to work with those people...
You chose to wear hijab.

Yes I chose this job but you can't ask, are the colleagues going to talk about my hijab, and excuse me? Yes, I chose to wear my hijab and I'm happy I did... you can't blame my hijab.. It's mandatory!

Where does it say?

In the Quran... Surah Nur and in other parts of the Quran to.

Well, yeah, but you can always wear it after wards... when you've finished work...
or when you're older.

I might die tomorrow, or even today, right now!
Death doesn't discriminate between the old or the young!

But you look so beautiful without your hijab, your hair is gorgeous...

What about how beautiful hijab is... I've heard lots of people call hijab beautiful, I always get compliments on my hijab style, and besides... it holds it's own beauty...

It can't if it's hiding your beauty...

Well it does! The beauty of modesty! 

Doesn't it take effort covering in these hot weathers?

Doesn't it take effort getting the look that's in, putting on makeup every day, having a "perfect" weight?
Besides hell-fire is hotter.

Just because you don't wear Hijab doesn't mean you're going to hell.

Yes, but if you do it with the right intention aren't you a step closer to heaven Insha-Allah?

Yeah, but you can do other things...

I'm not saying you can't... this is one of those things...

Huh? I don't get you... I don't get anything you've said...
I've only tried to give you some good advice and information.

Advice? Telling me to stop doing a good deed?
I said that hijab doesn't annoy me, in fact, it's quite comfortable, and Hijab is mandatory but it's a personal decision a woman makes, if she doesn't wear it it doesn't mean she'll go to hell but hijab is a good deed... and modesty has a beauty of it's own! Besides, it doesn't hide my beauty or make it fade away, it covers it! I don't acre if you have a problem with my hijab... I'm wearing it for Allah Subhanataala and not you!

I never realised how amazing hijab is...
You carry on wearing it!
I'll support you every step of the way!

As she finished this conversation with herself she realised how little doubts are and how they can be rid with a simple reading of Taawuz. She realised how much beauty her hijab really held, and she got over her doubts. The next morning, nothing stopped her from picking up her hijab to wrap it around her head and whatever anyone else said or did never stopped her from wearing the hijab.

I'm going to leave that there...
I hope you enjoyed this blog... 
JZK for reading,
have a nice day 
and Asaalam!

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